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Request an Absentee Ballot by November 5

Updated: Oct 7, 2022

Want to vote by mail? Are you a resident of Franklin County? If you answered "yes" to both of those questions, follow these steps to request a ballot be sent to your home.

  1. Download, complete, and print this application: Blank Absentee Ballot Application (PDF)

  2. Mail or drop off the completed application (remember, this is your application to request a ballot, not your ballot!)

    1. Mail the completed form - must be postmarked by noon, November 5 Mailing address: Absentee Department Franklin County Board of Elections P.O. Box 182111 Columbus, OH 43218-2111

    2. In-person drop off - must be received by noon, November 5 Drop-off location (24/7 secure drop box): Franklin County Board of Elections 1700 Morse Road Columbus, OH 43229

What happens after you mail your request?
  • Once the board of elections receives your absentee ballot request, the board will process your request and mail your ballot to your address.

  • You can track your request and your ballot online at

  • If you return your absentee ballot by mail, it must be postmarked no later than the day before Election Day and received by your county board of elections no later than 10 days after the election. By state law, a postmark does not include a date marked by a postage evidence system such as a postage meter.

  • If you return your ballot to the board in person, or if a near relative* delivers it for you, the board of elections must receive your ballot no later than 7:30 p.m. on Election Day.

  • If you are a member of the uniformed services or a voter outside of the United States, the ballot must be mailed not later than 12:01 a.m. on Election Day at the place where you are located.

* Near relative includes the voter’s spouse or the voter’s father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandfather, grandmother, brother, or sister of the whole or half blood, or the son, daughter, adopting parent, adopted child, stepparent, stepchild, uncle, aunt, nephew, or niece.

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