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URGENT CALL TO ACTION! Your help is needed NOW!

An urgent message from Olivia Oney, Regional Field Manager, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio:

Ensure Ohioans have access to the care they need and adequate voting rights!

We are currently in the “Lame Duck” session. For those who don’t know, “Lame Duck” is the period between election day and the day that newly elected officials take office. Historically, this period is a time for legislators to push controversial bills through as quickly as possible before the end of their term. At the current moment, we are fighting several bad bills at the Statehouse (for a full list, see the Planned Parenthood website). We are in need of all hands on deck to fight these bills and show our legislators that we do not support them!

That being said, here are some ways to can get involved in the political process NOW:

  1. Join us at the next hearing that we are attending on Monday, December 12th at 11am in room 121 of the Statehouse. This hearing is for HJR6, a bill that would increase the voter threshold to pass a ballot initiative to 60% (as of now it is 50% +1). This measure would make it nearly impossible for Ohioans to make changes to the Ohio Constitution, effectively giving our Republican legislature full control, despite our disapproval. Unfortunately, they will not be taking further testimony on HJR6, but this hearing IS open to the public so we want to see you there for strength in numbers!

  2. Join us at the Rally for Democracy December 13th at 11:15am at the Statehouse! 165+ Pro-Democracy organizations throughout Ohio are coming together to rally against anti-democracy bills, particularly HJR6. We will be meeting outside of Trinity Episcopal Church (125 E. Broad St. across from the Statehouse) and walking over to the Statehouse to hold a press conference. Register to join us here!

  3. Join us for a Virtual Testimony Writing Workshop on Tuesday, December 13th from 7-8:30pm! This event will be a great opportunity to learn more about what bills are going through our state legislature, how to craft your testimony effectively, how to submit your testimony, and some general tips regarding how you can be involved in the political process as an average citizen. Register to join us here!

  4. Contact members of the House Government Oversight Committee and tell them to STOP HB 294. This bill would cut early voting hours, including the most popular early voting day, the Monday before the election. It would severely limit ballot drop boxes to just one location per county, stiffen voter ID requirements, limit access to mail-in ballots, and it would force most Ohioans to pay for postage on mail-in ballots and ballot request forms.

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